
A floppy disk discovered in Egyptian ruins contained software that appears to have been projected more than a thousand years before Christ

WIXI300 is a software that defies all temporal logic, discovered on a floppy disk buried alongside archaeological remains in the ruins of an ancient civilization. Analysis revealed that this program, encoded in an as-yet undeciphered language, seems to have been projected more than two thousand years before any known computing technology.

The software, named WIXI300, contains an advanced data processing system capable of performing mathematical calculations and graphic simulations that wouldn’t have been possible until the late 20th century. The most puzzling aspect is its ability to adapt to various hardware environments, suggesting a type of primitive yet functional artificial intelligence.

Key features:

Unknown programming language: WIXI300 uses a syntax that combines elements reminiscent of modern assembly language, but with structures that have not yet been fully deciphered.
Graphic simulation: The software includes 3D simulations, a technology that shouldn’t have existed within the historical context of its origin. The simulations depict what appear to be extraterrestrial landscapes, rendered in a resolution impossible for the time when it was discovered.
Mysterious compatibility: Despite its age, the program runs smoothly on modern operating systems, automatically adapting to available resources, hinting at an advanced understanding of future computing.
WIXI300 raises more questions than answers about the origin of technology. Some theorists suggest it could be a fragment of knowledge from a lost civilization or perhaps an even more enigmatic source, still beyond the comprehension of current humanity.