"TO OPEN" - A MEDITATION MUSICAL by Forrest Mortifee

I hope that this piece transforms any feelings of loneliness, isolation and depression into hope, self-love and open-heartedness. 🫂🫂🫂

This is my first time experimenting with this format! I've coined it a "Meditation Musical" because it blends song, affirmation, and meditation...three of my favourite healing hacks.

This format aims to provide empathy for the listener's experiences of pain through a heartache-soaked song; then, through the affirmations + meditation, it seeks to provide subsequent emotional support for the feelings that the song brought up for processing.

I feel like I'm tapping into my Ikigai! Through bringing in the voice of Unconditional Love, and opening space for integration, this Meditation Musical offers ME a well-rounded emotional processing experience - and I hope it does the same for you. 🫶🏻🫶🏻

I rarely listen to sad songs (or even that much music tbh) because after they bring me into my tenderheartedness, I just get left there. However with this format, I provide myself (and listeners) with the same soothing balm that I use in my own shadow + parts work processes. This makes me feel safe to dive into the depths of the darkness, when I know there will be a subsequent process to transmute whatever I find therewithin. This shows up both in the songwriting phase, and in the listening-back phase…which are two different experiences for me.

I see this as a necessary evolution of the way we consume music - creating safe landing pads for the emotions brought up through song. I also see it as an important evolution of meditative practices - creating space for the tougher emotions to be safely felt, seen, and processed. The experience of creating this has actually given me a much better appreciation for the Utility of (Listening to) Music as a Tool for Healing. It’s clicking, you guyssss…

Thank you for being here, and lmk below what this Meditation Musical experience was like for you ☺️

"TO OPEN" - A MEDITATION MUSICAL © 2024 Forrest Mortifee
All music and lyrics by me.
Audio created in Logic using samples I found on Splice, as well as (ofc) my own voice and breath.
Video created in Descript using stock footage.
