Mártires de Trelew

The Trelew Massacre was a mass execution of 16 political prisoners, militants of different leftist organizations, in Rawson prison by the military dictatorship of Argentina. The prisoners were recaptured after an escape attempt and subsequently shot down by marines led by Lieutenant Commander Luis Emilio Sosa in a simulated new attempt to escape. The marines forced the prisoners to fake a new escape, then executed them as revenge for the successful escape of some of their comrades during the initial prison break. The massacre took place in the early hours of 22 August 1972 in the Almirante Marcos A. Zar Airport, an Argentine Navy airbase located near the city of Trelew, Chubut in Patagonia.

Those killed were:

Alejandro Ulla (PRT-ERP)
Alfredo Kohon (FAR)
Ana María Villarreal de Santucho 'Sayo' (PRT-ERP)
Carlos Alberto del Rey (PRT-ERP)
Carlos Astudillo (FAR)
Clarisa Lea Place (PRT-ERP)
Eduardo Capello (PRT-ERP)
Humberto Suárez (PRT-ERP)
Humberto Toschi (PRT-ERP)
José Ricardo Mena (PRT-ERP)
María Angélica Sabelli (Montoneros)
Mariano Pujadas (Montoneros)
Mario Emilio Delfino (PRT-ERP)
Miguel Ángel Polti (PRT-ERP)
Pedro Bonet (PRT-ERP)
Susana Lesgart (Montoneros)


Alberto Miguel Camps (FAR - Disappeared in 1977)
María Antonia Berger (FAR - Disappeared in 1979)
Ricardo René Haidar (Montoneros - Disappeared in 1982)

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