Amber Embrace

Amber Embrace

Capturing the perfect aerial photo of Lagoa das Sete Cidades (Seven Cities lagoon) at sunset is a quest that takes patience, perseverance and a little bit of luck. I've returned to this breathtaking location several times over the years in search of the ideal light conditions to showcase the ethereal beauty of this volcanic wonder.

However, the unpredictable weather of the Azores often adds a challenging layer to the task. More often than not, mist covers the area, and rain threatens to wash out any chance of capturing a photo that truly does justice to the region's natural splendor.

But on one such occasion back in early summer 2022, after a lost flight at the airport and many hours hasted, luck was on my side. The sun began to dip below the horizon and the colours of the sky burst into an intense and fiery display.

Against all odds, the mist lifted, revealing the stunning landscape below. As the sun's last rays bathed the region in a warm and golden glow bringing into the spotlight the beauty of the Azores, with its volcanic craters, lush greenery, and crystal-clear waters, all illuminated by the fiery light of a spectacular sunset. It is a photo that speaks to the persistence and passion that drives my work as a drone photographer, and a testament to the incredible beauty that can be found in the natural world.