"Inner Light".

When darkness takes over, we often seek the light to overcome it, in external influences. We look for refuge in external elements, believing that if we obtain X or Y, the light will surely follow. But how many times have we found ourselves disillusioned? How often has something truly changed once we obtained what we desired? What we don’t realize is that by seeking refuge in these external elements, we are drifting further away from the light instead of drawing closer to it.

If we were to reflect and connect with our inner selves, we would discover that the light needed to navigate the darkness has always been within us. The resilience, warmth, and strength we need are always found within ourselves. Regardless of the external challenges we face, it won't be X or Y that helps us overcome them, but our own inner resources. The true source of aid lies within; it is part of our essence, part of our core.🌹