Toubab Dialaw.

Last year, I took a return trip to Toubab Dialaw. Toubab Dialaw was the first city I stayed at upon my arrival in Senegal for the first time in 2021. It is the city that made me fall in love with Senegal. My arrival in Senegal was only meant to be a pit stop before continuing on my intended journey to Cape Verde. I did still continue my journey as intended, but the charm of the first 24 hours at Toubab Dialaw followed me to Praia, Cape Verde, and never left me. Upon my return from Cape Verde, Toubab Dialaw, Senegal was supposed to be another pit stop before continuing back to Nigeria, but I guess this time, the charm was irresistible, so I canceled the rest of my journey and remained here. It’s nearing three whole years since I made the decision, and even though it’s full of challenges, I still wouldn’t trade it for anything else. I currently live in Dakar, but I make it a routine to go back to Toubab Dialaw often, to reconnect and sort of remind myself of the essence. Senegal has been very key and pivotal to why I’ve chosen to be a full-time artist, and Toubab Dialaw has been very instrumental in that regard. I’m considering moving to live there full time as I’m truly starting to dislike the city that Dakar is and would prefer the local vibrations from the village echoes and coastal ambience. We’ll see how that goes. For now, here’s a trailer-esque intro to what Toubab Dialaw looks like. I’ll make longer, more detailed films in the future. Happy viewing!