

I’ve never seen as much disturbing content in my timeline as I’ve been seeing over the last few weeks. Yet I push the algorithm of my social media to keep showing me all of this and reminding me that, among all the beauty and art that I’ve compulsively hoarded and surrounded myself with, I am in the real world, experiencing life in decay at all times. Life will always move the strength and energy I put into my legacy. I believe in Life, Mother Nature, and its Perseverance, so I must not ignore Decay. Above all, I must not ignore the powers that force decay into this world’s precious vestiges of life. I must not ignore the wars of my generation – the ones knocking at my door, the ones that are neighboring me, nor the ones from across the ocean. We’re witnesses with voices and a human share of power within our reach to stand for freedom. I hope that Palestine can not only be free but also ignite all movements of freedom for life.