Two Blue Oni Guarding the Sacred Tree on Mt. Hieizan : 霊木を守護する二人の青鬼

Two Blue Oni Guarding the Sacred Tree on Mt. Hieizan : 霊木を守護する二人の青鬼

#Two Blue Oni Guarding the Sacred Tree on Mt. Hieizan

Legend has it that at the time of the founding of Enryakuji Temple, a sacred tree, "a symbol of ownership of Mount Hieizan," was given to Saicho, the founder of Enryakuji Temple, by two blue oni, the original inhabitants of the mountain. It is said that Saicho received the sacred tree and used it to create the statue of Bhaisajyaguru (Yakushi Nyorai), the principal object of worship in the Konpon-chudo Hall, the main hall of Enryakuji Temple. The thing that currently stands where the sacred tree used to be is... (For more information, please see the article at the following URL)

Legends of Oni at Enryakuji Temple: A Pilgrimage Through Scenic and Folkloric Spots on Mt. Hieizan



延暦寺の創始のときに「比叡山の所有権の象徴」である霊木が、先住者の二人の鬼から最澄に譲られたという伝説があります。その霊木を譲り受けた最澄は、その霊木をつかって根本中堂の本尊の薬師如来像を造ったとされています。現在、その霊木があった場所には… (つづき ↓ )

鬼の比叡山 : 比叡山めぐり鬼紀行