I saw a TikTok this week where the girl was like, "How do people not know how to cook? You mean you can't follow a recipe? You can't follow instructions? Are you dumb?" I've said this before as well. The amount of times I've told myself "oh I *could* cook that if I wanted to, it's just a lot of work" is much higher than I'd like to admit. Recently, I started cooking more. I've cooked, but I've rarely tried to tackle more robust recipes with dozens of ingredients and multiple steps. I'm impatient, I like simple dishes that get me to fullness as quickly as possible. Anyways, I've been cooking, and the TikTok girl is dead wrong. It's not about knowing how to follow instructions, but rather, it's about understanding when things go slightly wrong and having the intuition to fix them. When I execute on a recipe perfectly, everything tastes great. But when I screw up slightly, it's a coin toss as to whether I'll make the right decision to get things back on track. I think that's the case for a lot of jobs. Cooking is a good case study.

On cooking