This animation brings the beholder into an immersive and mysterious face-to-face with Nephel, a first encounter with the main character of Nephel's Dream. Nephel’s Dream (by Alexis Olin & dOP, 2022) is a visual-musical tale that reflects the vision of a fantastic and oneiric universe through the heroes’ eyes, a child called Nephel, during his long journey across 25 days and nights onboard a magical train. This artwork is divided into 25 visual chapters, from day 1 to day 25, that are matching the 25 songs of the Nephel’s Dream album, composed, produced and performed by the electronic group dOP. The Nephel's Dream collection and project, created in collaboration with the art tech studio Lezar, is an apology of the fusion of digital and physical mediums, complementary in the creative process and offering art new possibilities & experiences. Linktree :