Ocean 📍 London, England

When I was looking for a song to record this time I was choosing based on the atmosphere (a bar in London) but also one that I feel is most present to my current emotional state.

Last night I had a crippling wave of pain wash over me, since I ended my journey through Italy I've been hit with these waves of intense emotion and feelings of hopelessness and I know this means I'm breaking through on something. But in order to actually break through, I have to be as present with the pain as much as possible so that I can actually process what is trying to come through me.

So 'Ocean' is very significant to where I am at right now. Sometimes it feels like you're drowning in the weight of it all, but when you stop struggling and panicking, you realize the bottom of the Ocean is quite beautiful.

This joy is what will make you lighter, light enough to float back to the surface <3
