
Selfie Watercolor _ Atelier

Well... Sadly due to my goldfish memory I don't remember if I paint this around 2018 or 2019. What I do remember it's I did this from life using a mirror and myself as a model to practice color and light, inspired (and still using a lot of his methods) by James Gurney where he encourage to the artists to practice a lot using a simple sketchbook, watercolor or gouache and what u have in front of u from life. No picture or photo reference. This kind of exercise is really fun and helps you a lot to become a good artist.
Minting the content from this collection will help me raise funds to buy a new computer, which I urgently need as my old cherished notebook is slowly deteriorating. Your support will enable me to continue being a cryptoartist 24/7 and keep enjoying this space.
More is coming! Love ya <3