
Mint to make it happen: I want Web2 messy practices to be eradicated. This move by Meta has messed up so many people’s lives. From artists like me who dedicated 5 years into deeply learning their software since the Beta days to make art in AR as a veritable medium, to people who changed their entire lives to become AR creators in business, opened up agencies, hired people, had client work CURRENTLY in the pipeline for the next few months, all of which will now go erased. All the art I’ve made can’t be exported to another platform. All of the people that prioritized using Meta Spark as a platform for their client work, or for the easier dissemination of their art are losing a lot. The Web2 practice that messed me up is the one of boasting about community, connecting people, going ahead and raising a workforce and industry to a field they crafted for themselves to simply suddenly at the flick of a switch flip the company’s attention span and obliterate the very manufactured field that many amongst this new workforce came to depend on. The lesson has been learned. Let’s go open sourced, decentralized with profit redistribution all the way.