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Mantras for Curators: Tokyo

'Mantras for Curators: Tokyo' is a community-generated collection of mantras, reminders, and prompts for reflection on the current state of curation in Web3.

In May and July 2024, LAN Party (Vienna Kim & Benoit Palop) hosted two Curator's Dinner gatherings in Paris and Tokyo, sponsored by Zora. We invited artists, curators and builders to share a meal and during these dinners, we asked the question: 'What does curating mean to you?'

Each guest's answer to this question has been transformed into a collectible card artwork by artist Victor Arce (@lxtxcx). Each card was meticulously designed by Victor, and then printed and scanned, to add a textural, grainy, analogue touch to the process. If any of them resonate with you, mint them to keep them with you as mantras, reminders and guiding principles as we navigate and expand the field of curating in Web3 together. ✨