You don't have to change for me to Love you.

You don't have to change for me to Love you.

Yesterday (11/21/23) I had the honour of leading the Starter Packs cohort through my favourite Shadow Work practice 🥲 I offered the following prompts; we spent around 5 minutes on each:

  1. "How does your ideal self embody and express their creativity?"
  2. "What does your Inner Critic say to you, that’s been holding you back from embodying this now?" (Could be shaming you, blaming you, being mean; repeating things your family, teachers, friends, strangers have said in the past)
  3. “Inner Critic, how do you actually feel?” (What are the emotions that this character is feeling behind their meanness? Often for me it’s scared of abandonment, sad, lonely etc.)
  4. "You don’t have to change for me to Love you." (Wrap allll these voices in LOVE; they have been doing the best they've known how to do, to protect you from a scary world.)

This visual is a screen shot of the HaikuBot's delightful interpretation 💖 overlaid w a photo of my first time Channeling Light Language (from the InterGalactic Spirit of Water 🌊) on stage later that night. It was one of my favourite times performing...I felt so myself 😌

...and I was not abandoned by my community after showing up in this way! In fact, I was celebrated. People kept saying "congratulations" afterwards...and that they felt peaceful while I sang. Bringing peace and love and Light to this now moment and here like my favourite thinggggg guyssssss !