

In the ancient and forgotten village, there existed an ancestral entity known as Yūgen-Gui , a hungry spirit that delighted in devouring the flesh of those who dared to cross its path. During the new moons, the inhabitants performed exhausting dance rituals to appease the wrath of this supernatural being. One day, a courageous sorceress decided to confront Yūgen-Gui. Using her powers, she captured the spirit within herself and, in an extreme act of sacrifice, set herself ablaze, transcending into another dimension.

However, Yūgen-Gui was not destroyed; instead, it emerged in our contemporary dimension. Now, in this very popular metaverse, the ancestral spirit found new fertile ground for its macabre predilections. Under an enigmatic and terrifying name, Sulonō-Shokushu, it infiltrates different virtual worlds and games, unleashing its plagues that consume flesh from the inside out. Users, oblivious to its presence, become prey to an ancestral evil that transcends the boundaries between the real and the virtual. The mystery and terror continue to grow as Sulonō-Shokushu seeks a new legion of victims in each metaverse it invades.