
Black Stone Sanctuary's PMVPC Collection Quote #1

This quote from Danica Swanson (@danicaswanson at Farcaster) is the first quote in our new collection, PMVPC. The acronym stands for Polytheistic Monasticism: Voices from Pagan Cloisters, a first-of-its-kind anthology from the emerging Pagan monastic movement. The quote appears in Danica's essay, Of Hearth and Shadow: A Contemplative Norse Polytheist and a Fledgling Animist Sanctuary.

Besides that essay, Danica also has one interview of a fellow polytheist monastic in the anthology. For more info, visit the publisher's page: https://www.collectiveinkbooks.com/moon-books/our-books/polytheistic-monasticism-pagan-cloisters

Learn more about the Sanctuary's monastic rule here: https://paragraph.xyz/@blackstonesanctuary/contemplative-animism-and-non-contrivance-monastic-rule

See our first multimedia quote, You Are Not Alone: https://zora.co/collect/zora:0xcfa43a880fb6c783d2c2cef0cbc04e42ee10d334/8