
Black Stone Sanctuary Zorbish Meditation #1

Welcome to Black Stone Sanctuary's first meditation video. The Sanctuary is a Pagan polytheist monastery-bootstrapping project by Danica Swanson and Trish Deneen. Our work is inspired by animist pre-Christian Nordic and Germanic religious and folk traditions.

This video is an example of the aesthetic and vibe associated with the Sanctuary. Music and visuals are the focus, so there are no spoken words, symbols (besides the orb), or hints of certain deities. It's for you to enjoy as your own mini retreat, and to commune with your Holy Powers.

Read our full intro to the Sanctuary on Paragraph: https://paragraph.xyz/@blackstonesanctuary/welcome-to-black-stone-sanctuary/?referrer=danicaswanson.eth

Credits: Art and video editing by Trish Deneen. Music by NaturesEye at Pixabay: https://pixabay.com/music/meditationspiritual-deep-atonal-meditation-112012/