
You Are Not Alone - Black Stone Sanctuary Multimedia Quote #1

Welcome to the first offering in our planned collection of visually enhanced quotes from our work at Black Stone Sanctuary. This piece is, You Are Not Alone, Multimedia Quote #1, from Danica Swanson's Essay, On Religious Place-Making and the Sacristan Role, which you can find here: https://paragraph.xyz/@blackstonesanctuary/on-religious-pace-making-and-the-sacristan-role?referrer=danicaswanson.eth

The image and music are curated from our Black Stone Sanctuary Zorbish Meditation #1. You can find the full meditation here: https://zora.co/collect/zora:0xcfa43a880fb6c783d2c2cef0cbc04e42ee10d334/3

I believe this quote beautifully expresses our optimism and determination for the Sanctuary, and I invite you to share in our vision. ~ Artist Trish Deneen