The Museum about The Museum 🏛 (( welcome to the archives ))

I made this video to welcome you to The Archives of Forrest: my 900-datapoint-strong, coded + categorized, public Notion doc. It chronicles almost everything there is to know about me 😝 and you can find it at [].

The Archives database originated as a way to organize the process of collecting + selecting my online artifacts for the Museum of Forrest []. It wasn't originally intended for public perusal, but after we realized what an epic story it told stand-alone, we decided to make it an experience in and of itself.

Here, you'll also see me sharing about the origin stories behind this whole experiment, and how it has felt for me as an artist to go through this unique self-curation process :3 Thanks for being here and I hope you enjoy !

I also wanted to note that this is my first time minting on the ZORA Network 🤩 !! Big tings !! hopefully all goes smoothly + this video shows up as the full vertical rectangle it is lol but if not...again go to [] ta see the full :3