Modern cold wars with China and Russia, the new right, and tech'...

0:00 intro
1:50 sponsor
2:15 What determines a country’s success
6:00 Chinese collapse?
8:35 Why does Ukraine matter?
13:30 Can America be isolationist?
20:20 Are we in a Cold War with China?
25:45 Unpacking the new right
35:44 The future of wokeness
41:40 How Noah finds meaning in life (petting rabbits)
44:20 Noah defends his liberalism
53:00 American cope
57:00 Why American infrastructure sucks
1:01:00 Fake liberals
1:06:30 Why California is a one-party state
1:15:00 Tech’s political shift
1:20:00 Noah’s advice to tech people

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Thank you Secureframe for sponsoring (Use "Moment of Zen" for 20% discount) and Rob Pera, Natalie Toren, and Molly Mielke for production/art direction.