how long does it take you to mutate?

this is barely a collage, it´s just a picture on a beautiful lake, literally a beautiful lake, it´s name is Lago Hermoso, in Neuquén, Argentina.
this was my first solo trip, i went with 2 friends i met 10 months before. 20 days. a bag a guitar and ourselves.
one of my first big transformations. were i learnt that i´ll be alone for most of my existence because we are alone in this hostile world.
although, if you are lucky enough you´ll meet some weirdos like you and life will get easier.
i did this again an 2023 and this year, i went to la pampa and on a roadtrip to Tucumán with people i bearly know, but i trusted my gut and here i am, being part of a community full of love and making new friends :´)
life is meant to be live. go for it. remember you are in this world alone, try to love yourself and enjoy life around you. take the time to know yourself and then take the time to know your friends.
or don´t, but you´ll be happier and with lots of love, at least i am.

if you read till here, i love you so much, my art is about my feelings too so i think this is part of the piece so if you take the time to read this you complete all the steps, i love you i´ll stop now.
