:: Living with Lydia ::

:: Living with Lydia ::

What: “Living With Lydia” picture-book drafts, written in Lahonian (an alphabet/language I created) about my guardian Angel, who I’ve had with me since I was v liddow
When: 2000-2001 (age 9, grade 3)
Who: by Pik-Tone Fung & I ;; Pik-Tone was my best friend for a long time. Here, she referred to herself as Pixe-Trixe, and I referred to myself as Arised Sfa Sgod.


The cover reads:
(Front cover by: Arised Sfa Sgod)
Living With Lydia
Written by: Arised Sfa Sgod
Illustrated by: Pixe-Trixe

Page 1 of the book reads:
Hi! My name is Lydia. Welcome to my bedroom. Look at all the homework I have on my desk! I hope it won't take me long to complet(e) it all!

I still write in Lahonain, when I don't want anyone else to know what I'm writing about. I make art with Lahonian letters. Glad to share this primary artifact of the language here <3 xx