🌼 empowering affirmations 4 trans ppl 🌼

I love listening to affirmations, so I made these ones for my fellow transgender beings! Being trans is the one most incredible gifts ever, and yet it also comes w some unique challenges, so I wanted to address all of this. 

Brains have the ability to change (this is known as neural plasticity), so when affirmations are repeated, they help rewire neural pathways + strengthen positive connections in the brain. I've written the affirmations out below as well, so feel free to use them as you will.

~~~~~~ A note on my creative process ~~~~~~ 
I've been making so much content lately - I'm on day 96 of 100 days of short-form videos! My thumbs are sore, but I've certainly developed my skills, techniques + self-awareness over this time.

I've increased my self-trust, drilling in the understand that I can EXECUTE on what I tell myself I will. And, I've recognized the importance of quality > quantity - you can make a million mediocre things and go nowhere fast. OR you can make fewer, epic-er pieces and go far, slowly. 

I have recently acknowledged how much Uniqueness is an important aspect of high-quality content. Continuing to become braver, more vulnerable, and more authentically different is a KEY element in my content (read: art) becoming higher quality. This means INTENTIONALLY HIGHLIGHTING the things I've been told are weird about me, like my transness. These aspects are actually my greatest assets. 😌

I made THIS video for YouTube. CY (one of my biggest cheerleaders of all time, also my patron, collector, + collaborator) encouraged me to share my meditations on YouTube, recognizing that YT can be a significant source of both self-expression and income for artists. So here I am!

This is the first video I've made using Descript, a video higher-quality editing software that Alex Purdy recommended to me. Anyways - this is me, Forrest, on July 24th, 2023, documenting my creative process !!! 

~~~~~~  Thee Affirmations ~~~~~~ 
I am fucking incredible, just the way I am. 
I embrace my unique journey.
I love beingI am fucking incredible, just the way I am. 
I embrace my unique journey.
I love being unique.
I belong.
I matter.
I release any judgment or negativity towards myself.
I set myself free.
I know that I am deserving of love, respect, and acceptance just the way I am.
I honor my inner Truth.
My identity is completely valid
I am real, and I exist.
I am proud of who I am.
I love the person that I see in the mirror.
I celebrate and honor my trans identity. 
There is no right or wrong way to be trans.
I define what being trans means for me.
My trans journey does not have to be linear to be valid or real.
My identity is valid and real at every stage.
We, as a dynamic trans community, are all in this together.
Trans people are so loved, so wanted, and so important.
I am so loved, so wanted, and so important.
I am stoked to get to live the rest of my life as the real me.
I am overqualified to ride the waves that come with being my authentic self.
Others perceptions of me do not define me.
I accept all of myself.
I trust my own judgment and intuition.
I am courageous, resilient, and wise.
I claim my Right to live authentically.
I prioritize my safety and inner-peace over the comfort and approval of those around me.
My past does not define me.
I am surrounded by love and support from those who truly care for the real me.
I am safe to grow now.
I am constantly becoming more confident and grounded in my authentic identity.
I shine brighter and brighter, truer and truer, in my Self-Worth.
I am deserving of love, peace, and success in all areas of my life.
I build myself up internally and externally.
I feel comfortable going out into public and being seen.
My trans body is perfect just the way it is. 
I naturally align with my authentically preferred version of Self.
I love my trans body.
I am radiant inside and out.
Who I am is sacred.
The more I spend time listening to my inner self, the more I thrive.
I deserve to be seen and heard, so I see and hear my deepest Self.
I am strong enough to be a loving space for even my strongest emotions.
I am an infinite being. 
I belong.
I matter.
I release any judgment or negativity towards myself.
I set myself free.
I know that I am deserving of love, respect, and acceptance just the way I am.
I honor my inner Truth.
My identity is completely valid.
I am real, and I exist.
I am proud of who I am.
I love the person that I see in the mirror.
I celebrate and honor my trans identity. 
There is no right or wrong way to be trans.
I define what being trans means for me.
My trans journey does not have to be linear to be valid or real.
My identity is valid and real at every stage.
We, as a dynamic trans community, are all in this together.
Trans people are so loved, so wanted, and so important.
I am so loved, so wanted, and so important.
I am stoked to get to live the rest of my life as the real me.
I am overqualified to ride the waves that come with being my authentic self.
Others perceptions of me do not define me.
I accept all of myself.
I trust my own judgment and intuition.
I am courageous, resilient, and wise.
I claim my Right to live authentically.
I prioritize my safety and inner-peace over the comfort and approval of those around me.
My past does not define me.
I am surrounded by love and support from those who truly care for the real me.
I am safe to grow now.
I am constantly becoming more confident and grounded in my authentic identity.
I shine brighter and brighter, truer and truer, in my Self-Worth.
I am deserving of love, peace, and success in all areas of my life.
I build myself up internally and externally.
I feel comfortable going out into public and being seen.
My trans body is perfect just the way it is. 
I naturally align with my authentically preferred version of Self.
I love my trans body.
I am radiant inside and out.
Who I am is sacred.
The more I spend time listening to my inner self, the more I thrive.
I deserve to be seen and heard, so I see and hear my deepest Self.
I am strong enough to be a loving space for even my strongest emotions.
I am an infinite being.