
Is a DAO a band?

Our first 4-some brainstorm…Dated 1/15/2024, shot at 11:41am PST

A highlight from the convo, illuminated by Yuri…Should we make a DAO?

Why would we?...to be co-holders of a token ;; so we can see each other, generate outputs, build consensus around meaning, align perspectives, cosign shared perspectives, and solicit opinions to make something helpful.

Then on 1/19, the question was asked…Is a DAO a band?
5 ppl, unique skill sets - like a Graphic Designer, Connector, Musician, Collector/Funder - all contributing to the ART/DAO generating outputs.
What could it look like to bring teams around artists; like publishing, sync, and other skills that can scale across groups?

Just some notes…stay chuned, technologists ♅

also also :: [my first gif mint]