

  • My heart was fluttering, my skin was trembling, my stomach was once again tingling, I couldn't take my vision away from that scene, a scene so beautiful that it carried hope to the world... Loneliness was no longer an option. Nightcrawlers, once hungry, thirsty creatures, feeding an insatiable rage and hunger... they were just victims flooded with their own fear and fortified by ego... ego that solidified their hatred, that corrupted their soul and unleashed their wrath, floating in incomprehension in the end they were just victims of a system destined to fail... who swallowed all the evil in the world and lost themselves, corrupted his immaculate soul into disillusionment.
  • Once they experienced rebirth, they now found themselves in a state of formatting their bodies and a reset of their soul, all fear and hatred were diluted into such pure innocence, and their ego began to cry, tears shed with such verocity wrapped around their bodies, waters that shone and purified them, they again felt they , they felt again, a love, a self-love that they called FORGIVENESS looking like children in a crib, so confused by their environment and by everything that happened that my heart fluttered every second of that scene, as I approached this luminus, the first words he said to me were: Again they will be able to start over, my name is Gaudière, and my struggle is to return the glow of goodness from within people. - [ ] I've finally found an ally...]