
MOCA LIVE: Embracing Your Pain, Confronting the World's Pain, and Anonymity with a Purpose with AwfulEye

In what feels like a particularly painful moment for everyone, Max and Colborn are joined by the multitalented artist, Awful Eye, to discuss...pain. Awful Eye's own story is one of pain and triumph and bravery, and their conversation today discusses Awful Eye's life, then and now, how he approaches identity in a space that sometimes reduces its members to a few details, how we can embrace and express our own pain in artistry, and what we need to do if we're to confront the world's pain with honesty and sensitivity. 


Faultlines: https://nfts.awfuleye.com/1/collections/0x7ed99eb61ffa896616a7514f8c9e2fdc68a645a1