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Lost and Found

Many millennia ago, peaceful beings known as The Watchers traveled the universe from planet to planet using portals created by powerful ancient gems. These portals allowed for trading of goods & knowledge among many civilizations. With that knowledge being freely traded inevitably led to weapons being traded. The weapons naturally brought crime & war. A war between the ancient Watchers & the newly formed NGO began. The NGO wanted to control the portal trades & travel. This led to the control of the citizens on the trade planets. 
The Gem War lasted 84 years & ended with the destruction of most civilizations in the known universe. The portal gems were left scattered across many galaxies. 
A thousand years later the stories of gems creating portals and the Watchers that protected them are just ancient myths like Atlantis & Lemuria. There are modern day gem hunters who still believe in the power that they hold. What was once lost & forgotten, might soon be found.

Animation, music & story by AndroidZen
This journey will continue in the 'AZ Portals' collection.