The Sights & Sounds of Seattle

This past weekend, my friend Leo and I road-tripped from Vancouver down to Seattle. It was my first time there as an adult, and I LOVED it. β€œThe sights and souuunds of Seattle!” - indeed, I could not stop singing this lol

I created this collage to encapsulate a few of my favourite memories from the trip ::
☺ Red Centrefold πŸ“ The Crocodile, 1/29/23 [photo by Leo D. E. Johnson]; starring Myself, Cxy, Rae Isla. On this night, I got to meet Rae and see her perform, along with an incredible local lineup...It was super inspiring, I loved Rae's songwriting so much! It was also incredibly fun to get to stand beside Cxy and tell ppl irl about what we're up to with these weekly creative-process mints! Got a lot of great feedback and heard "you guys are really onto something" multiple times...very solidifying to have this experience.
☺ Square Photo πŸ“ The Crocodile, 1/29/23 [still from Leo's video]; Me lighting Rae Isla's crystal-infused candle, with image of her Rock NFT on the front. "We conjured Rae Isla !"
☺ Horizontal Polaroid πŸ“ Starbucks Reserve, 1/30/23 [photo by Cxy]; starring Cxy, Myself, Leo D. E. Johnson. This is us grabbing coffee the morning after the show. CY showed us a scrapbook-like text on the Beastie Boys, using it to further paint his vision for our museum experiment. So heartwarming to have a couple moments of just really expressing our gratitude for eachother and the work we're doing !! *fist-bump Also was affirming to hear Leo's excited responses as an artist just entering the web3 world.
☺ Vertical Polaroid πŸ“ Pike Place, 1/30/23 [photo by me]; starring Myself, Leo D. E. Johnson. Fun exploring the waterfront! Iconique.
☺ Right Sidebar πŸ“ 1st Ave, 1/30/23 [photo by me]; Colourful flowers wedged into the sidewalk :3 A vibe.

No FaceTime can make up for the experience of being with your friends + co-conspirators in person. This time together felt like the beginning of a new era in our community and in our collaborations. I'm so excited to see what comes next !!! ϟ ☺ ϟ