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Soothing Love

So excited to show you the vision for “Soothing Love.”

The vision of the mermaid was so important to me because exploring themes of Black fantasy, depicting happily ever afters in Blackness, are at the heart and foundation of my work. The “Soothing Love” visual is an ode to Black fantasy, Black femininity, and Black love – themes that are not common, particularly in media which lacks examples of what that looks like. “For us to really accept ourselves, we need to be seen, otherwise our dreams of being included in these spaces remain just that: a fantasy. And where else can we be most free than in Africa, where we are most seen? To me, that’s the destination outside of the fantasy. I pray this reminds you to dream and to use your imagination again. I pray this puts magic and love back into your hearts! 💓✨

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Directed by: NASKADEMINI