
Episode #1 - a happy future

This piece was created by me and my artist as a token of appreciation and gratitude to Ciniz, Anton Marrast and the entire Onchain Gaias community.
I'm sure many people's lives have been made better by this crazy movement, and I believe we are still very early.

Mint for allowlist only, which includes anyone who had at least one item from any Ciniz collection in their wallet at the time of snapshot (April 3, 2024).

Zora income distribution:

basedandearly.eth - 50%
miracleray.eth - 35%
ciniz.eth - 5%
marrast.eth - 5%
s0tric.eth - 3% (my friend and guide to OG)
0x324b…2444 - 2% (the artist of this work)

It's just getting started.
Gaias forever.

Mint page: https://zora.co/collect/base:0xfa2517ade2087d3271bcbfc4254d642a6c5f1ef1/1

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