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Why did I create a virtual escape room for my new song "MODO AVIÓN"?
I was inspired by "Modo Avión" (Flight Mode), the song I wrote when I came back from my trip to Spain with friends.
"Modo Avión" means no calls, no social media, no messages and it allows me to be super connected to my family and friends and have a great time.

I asked myself: "How can I create an experience for people who want to listen to my new music?". I love going to escape rooms with my friends (we go pretty much every weekend! haha) and I have such a great time. Again, it's a moment where mobiles are locked away and we have lots of fun solving challenges.

So that's how I came up with the idea of building a virtual escape room from scratch and with web3 hints.

After 8 months of work with an amazing team, I am happy to present the virtual escape room and the song!

Virtual Escape Room (you can access after minting the KEY):
